Smart Vital Watch

General Questions

After the app is downloaded it is time to upload your data. If your uploading data from the Vital watch wait for a day of wearing the watch prior to downloading it. Next click the plus sign on the bottom of your phone as shown. The collected data stored into the vital watch can be uploaded by clicking on the plus sign and the app will recognize the watch and upload the collected data into the health cloud through the cell phone. If you are weighing yourself step on the scale after clicking the plus sign and your measurement will upload through your phone to the internet health cloud. You can view the collected data in a graph and individual test results by clicking on the chart graph on the top right corner of the app. The information can be viewed by Day, Week, or Month by clicking on each tab. Built into your health cloud is our A I nurse that will monitor your stats and warn you if bad health trends are recognized. Through Email, Text, IVR or a live person will call you.

As long as the watch is charged and on your wrist the data collected day and night will be documented and ready to be uploaded to the health cloud. The charging of the watch is as simple as setting the watch into the tray until the charging bars stop flashing. Normally the charging process only takes a few minutes. If the watch does not display the green lines then it has been placed in the tray incorrectly. Reposition the watch until the charging screen appears as shown here. Uploading the data from the watch should be done weekly to assure there is no lost of data. Then transmit the collected vitals through your cell phone by opening up the app on your phone and clicking on the plus sign located at the bottom of your phone screen. If there is more than one vital watch near you the cell app may pick up two watches and the display on your phone will have two watch icons. The icon that is highlighted is your watch. Click on this icon.

Click on the top right corner of your cell phone app. The selection shown here offers to view the chart by day, week or month. The report can be emailed to your medical professional or anyone you choose to see your chart by clicking on the upper right paper airplane icon. Select the letter icon to email the report. Select the date range 90 Days, or by month, week or for a day. Also there is the option to select the date. Then click next Type in the email address or select one from your cell phone address that is stored in memory. This summary will be sent to the recipient displaying the chart and a detail list of the testing results will follow.

The LCD screen of the watch displays the current date and the time. If either is wrong than connect the watch to the phone app and the app will automatically upload the correct time and date. The picture of a battery on the right top of the screen displays battery strength. On the bottom left is the body temperature. Followed by the heart rate in bottom center. And blood pressure on bottom right of the L C D Screen. Swiping the screen of the watch from left to right First screen displays the amount of sleep recorded . Second screen displays the weather. This feature is not functionable. Third screen can connect you to Vitals and More. If More is chosen This screen is displayed. The options are to enter settings music and stopwatch Selecting settings will give you the option to change screen time. The options are from five seconds to sixty seconds. The power off selection will shut down the watch and to make the watch operational again it must be put back into the charging tray. The reset selection will remove any health vitals stored in the watch and restart collecting vitals. Going back to the More selection the next option is Music and this feature is disabled. Below Music is the is the stopwatch. When clicking on this feature you can use your watch as a stopwatch running laps or any other needs. Press pause to stop timing and press the bottom of your watch to leave the module. Under the vitals module is where you can take a overall health check that takes about 30 seconds and will measure your stress level, blood pressure and heart beat. The next selection of options include the Today module where the watch displays your daily activity of steps, kilometers and calories used. Exercise option list 18 different types activities from dancing to weight lifting. Enabling the watch to understand what type of activity you are doing will help measure the results. This options enables to see what percentage of oxygen is in your blood stream. The closer to 100% the better. The E C G module can measure your heart beat and record your graph if you place your thumb and finger as shown on the sides of the watch until the recording is finished.

All of our agents track their own vitals on a daily basis with each piece of equipment that we supply. They are trained on the software platform the equipment and cell phone support for android or apple users. Good customer service means consistently fulfilling the customers’ expectations. Excellent customer service are compared to Angels that take the time needed to understand the needs of each customer and will hold their hands through the entire learning curve.